EgypToz: Sta Passando Novembre

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Sta Passando Novembre

this kiss in the wind
is for you
you will get it there
with another hundred ones

this is for you
this flower I chose
I will leave it there
under a covered sky

you can take the
tale of a comet and
by turning the universe
you can go away

this song is for you
Egyptian Shakira
and I don’t know
what to do next


Anonymous said...

Go talk to her for Heaven's sake.
You know how it goes I don't have to tell you ;)

WS said...

I can’t tell her till I know that I have a life to live.I will know after 8 days.
Pray for me.

Anonymous said...

I will.

WS said...

thank you very very very much hope.